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Last week 184 countries gathered in Panama to discuss the fate of endangered species. The global summit was moving around protecting shark, to stop illegal trafficking and poaching. It is said,10 million species of animal and plants will be endangered in next decade.


It is said that 184 countries signed the convention to protect endangered species called CITES. The Convention of International Trade in Endangered species of Wild Fauna and Flora. The aim is to ensure their survival by strictly regulating their trade or completely prohibiting it.

Global Summit on Protecting Shark

Protecting shark is one of the most discussed issue this year in Panama. Sharks are vital to protecting ecosystem. Glass frog, rays and shark were discussed for protection in future. 60 species of shark will be shielded by international trade regulation if it is signed and implemented but other kind of wild life trade also in focus. Like rhinocerous horns, elephant tusk, hippopotamus teath are illegally traded for jewellery, knife handle. Illegal hunting is already wipe out the hippo populations in some African countries. This incident last occurred 66 million years ago.

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Global Warming

Several species are facing the extinction due to global warming. Extreme hot in Africa, extreme cold in Europe, and rising temperature in ocean causes extinction of several species.

Illegal poaching and trafficking of animal, global warming and lack of implementation of international trade regulations are posing great danger to the survival of species. Will shark be saved from overfishing, illegal trafficking be stoped. Everybody is watching the outcome of the summit in coming years.

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