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Iran is facing months of nationwide demonstrations triggered by the arrest of Gina Mahsa Amini. The young woman died after being taken to police custody for violating Iran’s strict female dress code. With rising social unrest, Iranian govt abolished the controversial morality police. Will disbanding moral police bring social unrest to normalcy or is it just a govt new political game to divert the issue?

Anti-Hijab or Anti-Regime Protest

Many expert are seeing this month long protest as an anti-regime protest. People are recalling the 1980’s Iranian revolution when Shah of Iran flew from country and Khomeini formed the people’s govt.

Iran- US Tension

Iran is facing decade long rivalry with US, whether it is 1980’s revolution or the Iran nuclear programme spying. Iranian govt accused several times, USA govt involvement in anti hijab protest, but still it is a blame game. Iranian govt did not show up a solid proof to international body.

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Iran-Israel Rivalry

Iran and Israel are facing the decade long rivalry in the middle east. Whether it is Iran nuclear programme, or Palestine issue or the politics in Lebanon, they seems to be rival to each other. For decades Iranian govt accused Israel for interfering in internal issue of the country, but still it is issue to be resolved on international level.

Iran- Saudi Conflict in Middle-East

For centuaries, both Iran and Saudi govt are facing rivalry beacuse of Shia-Sunni conflict. Recent turmoil in middle east has widen the gap between the two country. Iran supported govt in Baghdad, supporting Syrian govt and Lebnon tilting towards Iran has widen gap between Iran and Saudi govt rivalry.

Pressure grows on Iranian govt for suppressing the protest violently. Hundreds have died after month long protest. Will protester halt their protest amid abolishing the Morale Police. It is still a matter of debate. People in the middle east still want a peaceful Iran for peace in the region.

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