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Sustainable Development Goal

The United Nations established the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, in 2015 as a universal mandate to end poverty, protect the environment, and ensure peace and prosperity for all by 2030, referred to as the SDGs and Agenda 2030.

What are the 17 sustainable development goals?

Let’s talk about the 17 different types of sustainable development goals here.

Goal-1: No Poverty

The goal of this SDGs plan is to completely eliminate extreme poverty worldwide by 2030.

Goal-2: Zero Hunger

The second SDG goal is that no one in the world should go hungry. Efforts are being made to ensure that no one goes hungry in the world by 2030. It aims to provide nutritious and complete food to people living in poverty and hardship, as well as newborns.

Goal-3: Good Health and Well Being

The goal of this scheme is to reduce maternal mortality rates during childbirth to 70 per 1 lakh all over the world. It has also been decided to lower the mortality rate of newborns and children under the age of 5 by 2030.

Goal-4: Quality Education

By 2030, all girls and boys around the world should have access to free, equitable, and improved primary and secondary education. Aside from that, it should be ensured that by 2030, all boys and girls receive all of the necessary things in childhood that are appropriate for their development. So that they are prepared for primary school.

Goal-5: Gender Equality

In this SDG resolution, a pledge has been made to eliminate all forms of gender inequality against women and girls worldwide. Any form of violence against women and girls, whether trafficking or sexual harassment, must be eradicated.

Goal-6: Clean Water and Sanitation

By 2030, the goal is to provide clean, affordable water to everyone on the planet. Aside from that, the goal is to provide equitable sanitation for all by 2030. Women and girls living in difficult circumstances should pay special attention to cleanliness.

Goal-7: Affordable and Clean Energy

By 2030, everyone in the globe will have access to a modern, dependable, and inexpensive energy supply. The world’s energy capacity ought to rise by this year.

Goal-8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

According to this SDG proposal, people’s per capita income should be increased in accordance with their country’s capacity and situation. GDP in developing countries should be reduced to at least 7%. In addition, economic production should be accelerated through various methods, techniques, and inventions.

Goal-9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

The goal is to promote fast-growing infrastructure, with a focus on sustainable industrialization and the search for it.

Goal-10: Reduce Inequalities

By 2030, aim to raise the income of 40% of the world’s poorest people above the national average. Everyone should be given the opportunity to join the race for development, regardless of age, gender, inequality, caste, origin, religion, economic or other status.

Goal-11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

A target of having an adequate, safe, and affordable house for all by 2030 has been set under this. Aside from that, the goal of upgrading the slums. 

Eco Energy Concept

Goal-12: Responsible Consumption and Production

For this, the world’s countries have been urged to develop a 10-year framework for promoting the programme of low-cost consumption and production. Developed countries have been urged to move forward with the preparation of a framework in this regard.

Goal-13: Climate Action

A goal has also been established for taking immediate action to reduce the impact and change in the environment. It has been suggested that the topic of climate change be addressed in national policy.

Goal-14: Life Below Water

The goal of this scheme is to cause less damage to the ocean and sea. A goal has been set to eliminate all types of marine pollution by 2025. Avoid throwing trash into the ocean.

Goal-15: Life On land

The goal of saving the Earth’s ecosystem has been established under this. This includes forest protection and the prevention of immoral acts on protected land.

Goal-16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

The emphasis of this SDG resolution is on creating a peaceful and inclusive society for long-term development. The development of responsible institutions at all levels has received special attention. The goal of this is to prevent deaths from violence around the world.

Goal-17: Partnerships To Achieve the Goals

To achieve the SDGs’ goal of sustainable development, all available means should be utilised. This global collaboration is required. To achieve the goal of sustainable development, developing countries should mobilise financial resources. It also seeks to encourage investment in developing countries.

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One thought on “What is Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) and Agenda 2030?

  1. Ramsha Afzal says:


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