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24 october has been celebrated as United Nations Day since 1948. UN Day marks the anniversary of the entry into force in 1945 of the UN charter. UN day is an opportunity to reaffirm our common agenda, and principles of the UN charter that have guided us for the past 77 years.

UN History

United Nation is the way of hope to the world problems and conflicts. Hope and resolve following the WWII to move beyond global conflict to global cooperation.

Organization is being tasted nowadays more than ever before. But UN was formed to resolve the challenges like these. These days, it is important to bring life to the values and principles of UN charter around the world. By giving peace a chance and resolve the conflict of the countries that jeopardise the life of its citizens and future of the world progress.

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By working to ends the extreme poverty, and reducing inequalities, and promoting SDGs. By breaking our addiction to fossil fuels and kick-starting renewable energy revolution. By balancing the scales of freedom and equal opportunity for women and girls and ensure human rights for all. UN reminds us what human can achieve when we work in solidarity and cooperation.

UN’s 21st Century Challenges

1. Russia-Ukrain war

The UN Security Council held an emergency meeting Wednesday evening at the request of Ukraine after Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a “special military operation” in eastern Ukraine. This war reminds us the memory of cold war era, the world was devided into two blog. Now again it poses challenge to UN.

2. Middle East Crisis

The violence between Hamas and Israel is the worst since 2014, when Israel launched a military operation on the Gaza Strip with the stated aim of ending rocket fire and destroying tunnels used for smuggling. It fuels the middle east crisis.
Aftermath of Arab spring brings new challenges to the UN in the form of fall of governments and civil war, extreme poverty, hunger and immigrant crisis.

3. Nile Dam Crisis

Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan have agreed to resume talks over a disputed hydroelectric dam that Ethiopia is filling on the River Nile. Nile flow from Ethiopia to Sudan to Egypt.

Egypt is dependent on fresh drinking water on nile river and also for irrigation water. Egypt concerns about more water storage in the dam will affect the water flow in the river. After all Sudan will get cheap electricity but dependent on Ethiopia.

UN is the only hope for future and progress of the world. It will resolve the international boundary disputes, bring solution to global food and hunger crisis, promote equal opportunity for women and girls across the world, and solve the most burning issue of this centuray – Global warming and energy crisis.

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