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Blood sample with Bird Flu positive

One of the greatest bird flu outbreaks ever recorded—which forced the slaughter of millions of chickens to stop it from spreading—seems to be spreading to mammals.

According to the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services, Oregon saw the majority of cases, however the following states also had positive testing for mammals:
1. Alaska
2. Colorado
3. Idaho
4. Illinois
5. Montana
6. Nebraska
7. A new York
8. Washington

Swabbing mixed breed baby chicks to test for avian influenza

The Animal and Plant Health Agency in the UK discovered positive cases in otters and foxes. The organisation added that a cat in France tested positive for the extremely contagious disease, which also led to a significant outbreak at a Spanish mink farm.

How Is the Spread of the Bird Flu Effected?

According to Jürgen Richt, professor and director of the Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases at Kansas State University, the majority of these infections are probably the result of separate incidents in which a mammal ate an infected bird.

As virus transmission among wild birds, such as ducks, geese, and swans, increases during this outbreak, it might be occurring more frequently.According to Richt, the outbreak at the Spanish mink farm might be an unusual instance of the virus spreading from mammal to mammal.

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What Does This Suggest For People?

According to Richt, “humans are immunologically naive, and mammals can transmit this virus between them if it has mammalian adaptation.”The “bird flu crisis remains predominantly an animal health issue,” according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. According to the CDC, there have only ever been four human infections documented in the US.

Bird Flu Symptoms in Humans

The following mild to severe symptoms can be brought on by the avian flu virus:

1. A reddened eye
2. Fever/Cough
3. Unwell throat
4. Runny or congested nose
5. Body or muscle aches
6. Headaches
7. Fatigue
8. Breathing difficulty
9. Seizures, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea are less frequent symptoms.

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