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solar energy

What is the aim of SDG-7:

SDG7 aims to “Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all”. Poor are disproportionately affected by environmental degradation and lack of access to clean, affordable energy services.

The International Solar Alliance(ISA) initiative launched at the UN Climate Change conference (COP21) in Paris on 30th November 2015 by Indian PM Narendra Modi​ and French President Francois Hollande, will boost solar energy in developing countries.

Former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon attended the launch, alongside the Heads of about 120 nations who affirmed their participation in the Alliance to dedicate efforts for promotion of solar energy.


It helps countries strengthen their capacity to address these challenges at the global, national and community levels, seeking out and sharing best practices, providing innovative policy advice and linking partners through pilot projects.

India is harnessing the constant sunshine that beats down on the Thar desert, otherwise known as the Great Indian Desert, for renewable energy purposes. These large stretches of lines of solar panels are part of the country’s bid to transition to clean energy.

India is the world’s third-biggest carbon emitter, with 70 per cent of the country’s electricity generated by coal. At the COP26 climate conference, PM Narendra Modi has pledged to produce half of India’s energy from renewables by 2030. The country’s clean energy capacity has already increased five-fold in just over a decade to 100 gigawatts. But more is required to achieve the country’s ambitious 2030 goals.

Europe’s main source of energy:

Solar power is set to become Europe’s main source of energy before the end of the decade. By 2050, it could also create an estimated 4 million jobs all over Europe.

To spread the awareness about the solar energy there are two known worldwide compaign:

Be Bold Campaign:

Every person around the world can benefit from Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG7). Governments, businesses, financial institutions and individuals all need to Be Bold to make this goal happen.

This Is Cool Campaign:

It aims to bring greater awareness of the solutions and aims to show what can be done across the world to make sustainable cooling for all.

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