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The modern history of India reveals multiple instances of communal violence during the 1947 partition. Most of them happened due to religious conflicts between 2 communities on an enormous scale. Each decade of Independent India have recorded hundreds of religious riots. However it peaked between 2016 to 2020, recording a massive 3,399 cases of communal or religious riots leaving hundreds as dead or homeless. We are unable to get answers to questions like Why these are happening and What we are getting?

Let’s try to find these answers by answering some other questions and understand the implications involved:

Who we are?

Everyone accept that the entire universe including human beings were created by the one and only – “Almighty God” and we have been instructed to worship God, follow the truth and stay away from the Evil. God never discriminated us based on religion, race, cast or color and never instructed us to become a Christian or a Jew or a Hindu or a Muslim, or a Sikh or anything else. 

God sent us as innocent child who are all equal and it is us who have embraced our religions according to the family, we were born in. If you belong to a christian family then you are a christian, If you belong to a muslim family then you are a muslim. There are few who use their minds when they grow up and do analysis & research on different religions before reaching out on conclusion about which religion they should follow.

I asked a question too many people that “Why are you Hindu or Muslim”? I got same answer that I have faith into which I was born. Consider yourself as a Hindu, what if u were born in Muslim family?


The biggest problem is no one is fully aware of what their religion says. Instead of commenting or provoking on each other’s religion, if we try to do deep study on it we will understand that every religion holds the symbol of Peace, Respect, Honour.

What Every Religion Says?

The Holy Vedas: An ancient Vedic text says that “God or Truth is one and wise people refer to it by very many names.”

The Holy Qur’an: “Everyone God-given human dignity must be respected, regardless of his or her faith, race, ethnic origin, or social status (ref. Qur’an, 17:70).”

(Meaning everyone is created by God Almighty, the maker of all. Humans must treat one another with full honour, respect and loving-kindness).

The Holy Bible- “Don’t pervert justice. Don’t show favouritism to either the poor or the great. Judge on the basis of what is right.”(2 Peter, 2:18).

Impact of Religious Conflict:

All riots have witnessed that there are no benefits only loss of both communities. We only loose our beloved one – some loose their relations like children, parents, sisters, brothers or friends and some loose their homes too. And it shatters both community in equal ways. 

India has faced a number of riots both before and after its independence and these unfortunate riots have impacts on life and property. Below is a list as referenced by Wikipedia.

Over Creation of Punjabi Suba
14 people killed,1500 jailed and nearly 500 injured.
September – October 1969
Desecration of a dargah and subsequently of a Hindu temple.
512 people killed, 1084 injured, Property worth 42 million Rupees destroyed
February 1983
Tensions between Hindus and Muslims
2,191 (Unofficial Toll 10,000+)
27 February-
2 March 2002
The burning of a train in Godhra
2000+people killed, 2500 injured
2005; October 13–14
argument on loudspeaker
14 people killed
2008, 25-28Aug
Kandhamal district
Death of Lakshamanananda Saraswati
39-90 people killed, 18000 injured, 395+ Churches burnt down, 54,000+ left homeless
27 August 2013
17 September 2013
62 people killed, 93 injured
10 June 2022
Ranchi, Jharkhand
For disrespectful comment
on religious figure.
2 people killed, 24 injured

Political Agenda: 

Politics plays an important role in religious riots and should always be avoided. When a political party do not have an issue for doing politics or they want to defame their rival parties or when they start failing in doing good governance, they tend to use religion to their advantage by relating a simple issue to religion and hence causing a religious conflict or a religious riot. They try to keep the public entangled in such issues and hide their short comings. Unfortunately we have seen dirty politics being done by all parties in recent times.

To be honest, we are the reason of their success. These days we have become so blind and deaf that we can’t see or hear the right thing. In fact inspite of having eyes and ears, we don’t want to inspect the truth. We are just running behind fake news and dirty politics being done around religion. Our condition these days is like: “a bone is thrown toward us and we pounce on each other to get it without thinking that it will hurt us.”

We were taught from the very first standard that India is a diverse and democratic country where people from all religion live together as sisters and brothers. All people have right to choose their religion, language, dress, food and so on. But I do not think it’s happening because we all are fighting, insulting each other’s religions and it has become a common practice to insult religious founders of different faiths.

May God give us the understanding that we all respect and honour each other’s religion and religious founders, so that our country and the world become a cradle of peace and harmony and we achieve true happiness and prosperity. 

3 thoughts on “Religions: The Riots

  1. Anonymous says:


  2. ~~Ramsha Sohaib♡ says:

    The main problem I see here is mind thinking of people can’t we choose our own religion by ourselves or it is so important to choose the religion in which our family is…Today’s generation is the generation with narrow minded people..If we go against any religion they start to do fights and all but never thought to solve the problem by just speaking neither by doing any fights which can harm innocents who are not involved in these thing…Our thinking has created our humanity to come at an
    end..God created the world he added humanity he added humans but humans added casts which lead to discrimination and Inequality against each religion…That’s my thoughts…
    I really liked the blog….

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