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On March 3, QUAD memebers foreign ministers meet in Delhi to assure the free and open Indo-Pacific. Many issues like South China sea, territorial integrity, rule of law in Indo-Pacific oceans and security concerns were discussed.


The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue is commomnly known as a QUAD. It is a strategic security dialogue between US, Japan, Australia and India. It was initiated by Japan PM Sinzo Abe with support of US, Australia and India in 2007. They first Initiated large scale military exercise known as a Malabar Exvercise.

South China Sea Issue

China claimed its sovereignty over island in South China Sea. Much of the trade in Pacific ocean is through this island. China claim on undiscovered natural resources over the regions. It’s become a security concern if there is feud between China and other country.

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Land war in Europe and QUAD

Europe is facing war between Russia and Ukrain which may lessen the importance of maritime security. China alone is largest trading partner with US despite many issues. Nations are more focussing on growth and new economic alliance now and question arise about the maritime security alliance.

IORA (Indian Ocean Rim Association)

Its a alliance of 23 member states and 10 dialogue partners for regional cooperation and sustainable development in the Indian Ocean. IORA have been much talked about when it comes to security issue of Indo-Pacific and Quad.

Quad is facing now a choice between its core issue or just an alliance to with less importance. Hope the quad will solve all the maritime security issues with dialogue and protect the indo-pacific for future progress in the region.

One thought on “QUAD Meet 2023 and IORA

  1. Ahmad says:

    Great analysis.

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