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Energy is the engine of economic development and prosperity. Growing populations and expanding industries need more and more of it. But can nuclear energy, power the modern economies without heating the planet or polluting our air?

Nuclear power appears to be one option, producing approximately 11% of the world’s electricity while emitting almost no greenhouse gases or air pollutants.

Each country must decide which type of energy to use based on its natural resources, industries, agriculture, and way of life. Around 450 power reactors are in operation in 30 countries, with another 60 reactors under construction, mostly in Asia, and another 30 countries considering nuclear power.

Ukrain-Russia War

After the WWII, nuclear attack on Japan, the world is facing again the threat of nuclear war. US department of defence released documents of possible threat of nuclear attack. It will not only pose threat to Ukrain but also whole Europe. Ukrain and other countries are under threat of possible consequences of nuclear war. Its people are living under fear and started migrating.

Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster

35 years after the worst nuclear disaster in history, parts of Chernobyl are still too radioactive for people to go to. Abandoned and frozen in time, the site of the nuclear plant in Ukraine has posed unanswered questions for decades.

The people of Ukrain and its neighbouring countries have seen the fearful night and days after disaster. It’s radiation was so powerful that in Germany, childrens were not allowed to play outside their home.

Fukushima Nuclear Disaster

A devastating earthquake and tsunami struck Japan on March 11, 2011 triggering a crisis inside the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear complex. In the desperate hours and days after the Fukushima nuclear disaster, the fate of thousands of Japanese citizens fell into misery. After this incident country like Germany and other started to close nuclear energy plant and moving towards the wind and solar energy.

What is IAEA and its Challenges in 21st Century

The International Atomic Energy Agency is an intergovernmental organization that seeks to promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy and to inhibit its use for any military purpose, including nuclear weapons.

Illegal Trafficking

The IAEA Nuclear Security Training and Demonstration Centre will be established to check the illegal trafficking of nuclear material. It will be located at the IAEA facility in Seibersdorf, 30 km south of Vienna, Austria and is scheduled to be operational in 2023.

Iran Nuclear Programme

Decades ago, Iran nuclear programmes are under IAEA inspection. IAEA is inspecting whether its nuclear programme is peaceful or not. A new deal Joint comprehensive plan of action (JCPOA) between Iran and permanant member of UN to make nuclear programme peacefull, which is still in review.

World is now moving towards green and renewable energy, nuclear energy seems to be long term solution. At one hand it faces challenges like illegal trafficking on the other hand risk of nuclear attack. IAEA and UN are playing a big role to make the earth a safer place to live.

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