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Human-animal relations always been in conflict. With increasing human populations, this centuary is facing the relation with more critical situation. With increasing population about 8 billions, increasing land settlement and human activities posing great danger to animal habitate more than ever.

When there is fight between human and animal settlement, human always winning this. Expert data suggest that 1000 species being wipe out from this earth every year due to human encroachment and man made climate change.

CAG Report

Recently, Comptroller and Auditor General report says that nearly 63077 animals were run by trains in the last four years. Unmanned level crossings were the main reasons for deaths of animals. Guidelines by Ministry of Railways to prevent this have not been implemented for decades.

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Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change says between 2018-19 and 2020-22, 222 elephants were electrocuted, 45 killed by trains and 29 by poachers. 29 tigers were killed by poachers. Apart from that 1549 humans were killed by elephatns and 125 humans were killed by tigers.

Australia Human-Kaola Conflict

In Bribane, Australia experts are trying to save Kaola population which decrease by 80% in last decades. Increasing human population and climate change pose great danger to survival of Kaola.

Bangladesh Human-Tiger conflict

For centuries Bengal tiger have been wondering in Sunderbans area of Bangladesh. Its populations have been decreased by 98%. Expert are suggesting the neaby villagers to co-exist with neighbour tiger and save the iconic tigers.

Human-wildlife conflict have been more critical in 21st century with rising human populations, road and infra development. Animal habitates are surrounded by road development which divide their habitate in blocks. Hope the world organisations and villagers nearby the habitate will try to coexist with indiginous animals and save their life.

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