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In 21st century the greatest global challenge is to eradicate poverty. The 2030 Agenda acknowledges that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the indispensable requirement for sustainable development.


The Millennium Development Goals from 2000 to 2015, helped to lift more than one billion people out of extreme poverty, to make inroads against hunger, to enable more girls to attend school than ever before and to protect our planet.

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Agenda 21

The General Assembly, in its 1997 Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21 (paragraph 27) decided that poverty eradication should be an overriding theme of sustainable development for the coming years.

Russia-Ukrain War

71 million more people facing poverty: A new UN study says that’s the consequence of soaring food and energy prices unleashed from Russia’s war in Ukraine. Households are scrimping, charities are scrambling for donations. Families are under pressure.

National schemes like MANREGA and Mid-Day Meal and other schemes are playing important role to eradicate the poverty at ground level. We should also help, feed the needy and poor people and child at local level.

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