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World leaders of powerful democracies gathered in Japan for bringing peace in the world amid going war in Europe. Taiwan issue, protection against china economic influence and risk of nuclear attack were the issue discussed in the summit.

What is G7?

There is an informal group of industrialised democracies called the G7, which consists of the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom (UK). The G7 meets annually to discuss global economic governance, international security, and energy policy, among other issues.

Group of Seven

Russia-Ukrain War Issue

World leaders are facing the year long war in europe which bring horror and deaths of people in europe. World leaders did try to impose new sanction on Russia amid going war.

Taiwan, Decoupling Economy and China

China has send a peace envoy in Ukrain but World leaders are very skeptical about China peace initiative as China holds strong diplomatic alliance with Russia. World leaders also discussed the growing chinese influence in Taiwan. US wants the European to have economic protection against china but european do not wants to risk their economic relation with China. China called it decoupling of the economy aginst any process by US.

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Peace Park Visit

Leaders visited the city’s peace park, the memorial of nuclear bombing of Hiroshima city during the world war. 84 years after nuclear attack, the survivor remind the horror attack which remind the leaders to bring peace in Europe and the world.

World leaders did try to discuss to bring peace in Ukrain, protection against the rising chinese influence in Taiwan and the world’s ongoing security, economic and energy challenges. Hope the people around the world will see the change in coming days.

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