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In 2022, the connections between extreme weather events and human-caused climate change were even more clear, and for the first time took centre stage in climate diplomacy.

Why It Matters

The terrible, widespread flooding that occurred in Pakistan in the late summer helped mobilise support on the global level for a way to make up for the higher proportion of climate harm that poor countries are experiencing.

The Broad Picture of Heat Wave

1. Extreme weather and climate events abounded in 2022, and many of them, according to scientists, were caused more likely and severe by global warming.

2. Deadly heat waves and wildfires destroyed Europe.
3. In September, Hurricane Ian, which was particularly devastating, intensified quickly as it got closer to southwest Florida’s exposed coast.
4. Multiple rounds of flooding struck parts of Australia in 2022, which was consistent with both a La Nia event in the tropical Pacific Ocean and trends in high precipitation events due to climate change.

5. Over 200 all-time high temperature records were broken in China throughout the summer due to the extraordinary heat and dryness.
6. Horn of Africa is still experiencing a severe drought and famine, which is linked to both global warming and the Pacific and Indian Ocean climate cycles.

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Between the lines

Scientific analyses of the disaster in Pakistan suggest that it was likely related to climate change.

For instance, a post-disaster research indicated that human-caused global warming probably boosted two-month rainfall quantities by up to 50%. According to the study, climate change may have boosted five-day rainfall quantities by up to 75% in only two of the hardest-hit provinces.

The Mystery

Due to the combination between global warming and natural climate variability, not every year is predicted to establish records for the greatest climate disasters. This is similar to how not every year is predicted to be the warmest year on record.

For instance, despite being disastrous in many parts of the world, 2022 brought relief to the U.S. West Coast from the current pattern of record wildfires.


Speaking of industrialised nations, Pakistan’s climate minister, Sherry Rehman, stated in a September interview with Time that “this dystopia is on our doorstep; it’s going to be next in their country.” “You’re truly sleepwalking towards destruction if you don’t realise that it’s here and now or that immediate action is required.”

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