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New debate has started about ethical means of production and consumption under the capitalism. Substantial reforms are needed if consumption has to become both environmentally and socially sustainable. Nobody can deny since the dawn of the industrial revolution, human consumption has profound effect on human health. Science and technology almost bring paradise on earth but man is still suffering. It’s not all about development but ethical way of using all the earthly material and advancement.

Current mode of consumption is not sustainable, we need 1.6 times the earth to maintain the current mode of consumption and we will continue to emit CO2 and green house gases. We continue to have 2.4C with current mode well above the Paris agreement of 1.5C. 

Effect of Industrial Revolution:
The abundance of bird, mammals and aquatic life have declined 60% over the last decade and there are one million species are going to disappear. In Kenya, the Wildlife and Tourism ministry says 179 elephants died due to ongoing drought, poor rain, river and water pans have dried up and grassland have shrivelled. 

News about Noida twin tower demolition is circulating quite bit nowadays. According to the news agency, the demolition generated an estimated 80,000 tonnes of debris and sent huge clouds of dust billowing into the air.

In Jharkhand some mining field in Jharia region have fire under the ground since many years and no steps are taken by govt and mining companies. Coal fires pumps huge amounts of CO2 in atmosphere, peoples and children’s health are destroying.

Now the government and corporates are coming together under the polluter pay more and corban pricing made environmental projects viable. It is said, after industrial revolution Thames river near british parliament was so polluted that smells sometimes feels near the region. So govt commitment made the river so clean that shells and fish are visible today. So it’s all about commitment of govt and companies responsibility.

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