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The human rights advocates from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus have been awarded this year’s Nobel Peace Prize, represent the “oxygen of democracy”. A strong and vibrant civil society is required for a strong and prosperous country.

They proved not just well-known leaders or states but also common people who think change is possible have advanced society. These are the people who speak up against injustice on behalf of both their own and other people’s rights.

Here are few more common people example from various countries that have boosted the power and courage of common people and present nothing is impossible in the world. You can grab anything with peace.

Indian National Movement:

Gandhiji (was a common man) opposed the British throughout the years 1916 to 1919 by standing up for what was right for Indians.
He organised long march like Dandi-March angainst the inhuman laws made by English rule. He is known as the father of non-violence movement.

Martin Luther King:

60 years ago, African-American marched in peaceful, non-violence protest not to ask for special treatment but to be treated equally before the law. Under the leadership of Martin Luther King, black people stand for their rights in America and took long march and non violent protest. These steps by single men and women were so vibrant that after 50 years, Barack Obama, the first African American, became the president of the USA.

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Nelson Mandela:

For nearly half a century, non-white South Africans were stripped of their freedoms and suffered under government imposed restrictions. The face of the Anti-Apartheid movement became Nelson Mandela – who was jailed as a political prisoner for 27 years – whom would later become the nation’s president and an icon of freedom and justice.

Magna Carta:

Centuries ago when kings, emperors, and warlords reigned over much of the world. After long struggle and debate, it were the english who first spelled out the rights and liberties of man in the form of Magna Carta. Rule of law first developed, courts were established, peoples filled petitions.

Civil society is the conscience of our countries. It is the driving force behind change. Thats why strong nation don’t fear active citizens. Strong nations embrace, and support and empower active citizens.

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