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Forest Fire at Angol, Bio Bio Region, Chile.

South-Central Chile is facing a wildfires. A strong heatwaves and deadliest wildfires have stopped the nearby people life in Chile. Many lives have been lost and still it is spreading towards hilly regions. Warming temperature, shortage of water and homelessness have made the life of nearby people miserable.

Eucalyptus: Man-Made Matchbox

People nearby the area have blamed the big Timber companies for planting Eucalyptus and other for profit which drained out huge amount of water and made the region a matchbox. Eucalyptus is known as tree of fire and misery. Nearby people were living with scarcity of water and food, fire made their life more miserable.

Forest Fire at Angol, Bio Bio Region, Chile.

IPCC Report

Chile is under the grip of climate crisis and facing a 14-year drought that has made the area a water scarcity. The latest IPCC report says that the dry spell is a combination of natural and anthropogenic factors.

Animal Life Under Threat

Hundreds of people have been rescued and several Indigenous animal species have been rescued from the fire region. Much of the ecosystem were destroyed by the timber company by planting eucalyptus and brush and remaining have been lost in wild fire.

Amazon Rainforest Fire

Three year back, amazon rainforest known as the ‘Lungs of the world’ was under fire. Thousands of people, thousands of indigenous species and animal lives have been lost. It is still debated how the fire spread with large scale but damage was so fearful that its effect was visible in whole South America.

Hope the Chile govt will stop this wild fire spread amid heatwave and have some check to timber company, rehabilitate the indigenous people.

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