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Climate changes has become major issue and happening worldwide. It is affecting the lives and livelihood of billions of people. We started breaking CO2 record in 1950 and the amount is still increasing in atmosphere years and years and we have not stopped yet. Why? Scientist says that there is a 95% chances of human activity in climate changes. 

Human Activities

1.To power our homes, factories, cars, airplanes and so on we are burning more and more fossil fuels like coal and oil which release CO2 in huge amount. 

2. The other wide reasons are greenhouse gas emission, cutting down forest, dumping massive waste amount in land and farming livestock more and more. 

3And one more thing is the world population has tripled over past 70 years and we are dependent on using more product from animals that release pollutant gas Methane.

Impact of CO2 and Methane:

These two gases are the main reason of changing the climate. These gases are present in the air and when sunlight gets into the earth, some of the heats get trapped and the planet get warmer. But it’s good to have some gases in atmosphere it help to keep earth warm enough to live on. But due to the massive increase of carbon dioxide and methane we are witness of the world species are migrating and hot spots death from floods, droughts, or storms over 15 times higher more than the last decades.

Speed up Temperature

Here the concern is not that earth is getting warmer. UN report says that right now world is getting 1 degree hotter than pre industrial time around 1800 years they also says that it can be okey if world get warm up by1.5 or 2 degree before the end of the century. But here the concern is speed up in temperature year by year, right now we are on the track of 1.5 degree in 10 years. 
 If we don’t try to slow it down our destruction is too close and it started in some part of the earth, we have an example of India you can watch this video of DW on Bangladesh flood.

Sea level Rises: 

We all know that the ocean absorb heat and get warmer and this warmer water causes sea ice to begin to melt in the Arctic. 

Information from NASA’s Earth satellites shows us that every summer, some Arctic Ice melts and shrinks, getting smallest by September. And when winter comes, the ice grows again. But since 1979, the September ice has been getting smaller and smaller, thinner and thinner. But the thing to think here is just a small amount of warming can have a huge effect over several years.


Glaciers are melting into the ocean, and the global sea level is rising. But melting ice is not the only cause of rising sea levels. As the ocean gets warmer, the water actually expands. Scientists have observed that the sea level has risen 7 inches in the last 100 years.

The tropical cyclones, and heavy rainfall have resulted in increased losses and damages


Climate change is a threat to human being and the health of the planet. If the ice keep melting global sea level could rise more than 20 feet. That would put a lot of coastline underwater and whole island could disappear.

We are heading too closer to 3 degrees celsius and the truth is we are in an emergency. We need to soften and slow the blows by cutting greenhouse gas emission but we also need our efforts to adapt the climate change which have been too weak. It’s time to rage an action, our voice can make the difference. Our future is in our hand. 

Share with us that “what exactly you are doing to fix it”?

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