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World environment day on 5th June 2023 is again a reminder to us to make the mother earth liveable and sustainable. This year UN environment programme calling everyone to beat plastic pollution this year.


UNEP (United Nation Environment Program) executive director says plastic pollution is choking our ecosystem, warming our climate and very likely damaging our health. Recycling is not sole solution nor the magic bullet. Our system should hope to change the whole lifecycle of plastic. We must refuse unnecessary use of single use item in our life cycle. Reuse, recycle, reorient and diversify our systems. This is how we should keep plastic out of ecosystems and in the economy. Everyone must play thier part.

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Say to No Deforestation

Last year we witness the Chile wild fires, Amazon rainforest fire which cause damage to the world environment tremendously. Many life of human and animal were lost. This year we should make sure no such incident happen again.

Say to CO2 Free Electricity

World is currenlty moving towards the green and renewable energy. Germany and UK has done a great job towards moving the clean energy. We should promote green energy at ground level.

Climate Transition Action Plan

Our climate is changing and we can feel it, extreme weather condition, flooding and heatwaves are increasing and sea level are rising, earth atmosphere is getting warmer and warmer. Govts should plan a good climate action plan on ground level to bring change on the ground.

We should celebrate the World Environment Day 2023 with new commitments at the local level to make our environment sustainable and livable and Happy Environment Day.

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